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The Benefits of a Collaborative Divorce

Divorce is never easy, but a marriage doesn’t always have to end with an adversarial court battle. Today, many divorcing spouses prefer to move forward in a less expensive and far less contentious way through a collaborative divorce. Many spouses agree to a settlement outside of court in the end, so a Colorado collaborative divorce simply takes that process a step further when both parties agree ahead of time to keep their case out of the courtroom.

what are the benefits of a collaborative divorce

What Is a Collaborative Divorce in Colorado?

When spouses agree to a collaborative divorce, each spouse hires a divorce lawyer in Fort Collins to represent their interests and guide them through the legal process. Then, they agree to negotiate a settlement covering all the terms of their divorce, including child custody, a shared parenting-time schedule, child support under the state guidelines, the division of their marital debts and assets, and—in some cases—spousal support (alimony).

In the initial meeting with the attorneys, both spouses agree to attend a series of negotiation meetings and one or more mediation sessions. A professional mediator helps divorcing spouses find mutually acceptable compromises to any disputes that arise over the terms of their divorce. Mediators are neutral professionals who offer creative solutions for shared custody and asset division. Once both parties agree to their divorce terms, they sign a settlement agreement and their attorneys submit it to a judge to sign into final orders.

How Does a Collaborative Divorce Benefit Divorcing Spouses?

There are many reasons to keep a divorce out of court whenever possible. A lengthy court battle is rarely in anyone’s best interest except in cases where compromise isn’t possible or advisable, such as in divorce with a child custody dispute due to one parent’s neglect, abuse, criminality, or chronic addiction. Fortunately, many spouses can agree to resolve their disputes outside of court and enjoy the advantages of a collaborative divorce, including the following benefits:

  • Saving money on attorney’s fees, since a divorce trial requires far more billable hours and court costs
  • Reducing contention so both spouses can move forward after the divorce in a more civil or even amicable way
  • A better co-parenting relationship because a collaborative divorce shows a willingness to communicate and compromise that benefits children of divorced parents
  • Settling a divorce out of court keeps it off the public record so it helps both spouses to keep their financial and personal matters private
  • A collaborative divorce is far less stressful since spouses don’t have to go to court or testify about personal matters in front of a judge
  • Both spouses retain full control of their divorce rather than turning control over to a judge—no one knows your children or your marital assets and debts as well as you and your spouse, and a collaborative divorce lets you decide on the outcome 

Spouses who use the collaborative divorce process typically end with a better relationship as they move forward into their separate lives. With a less stressful divorce and fewer hard feelings, they end on a far more civil note. If they share children, this helps the children understand that they are still a family and their parents remain a united front, even in separate households.

How Can a Colorado Divorce Attorney Help?

A collaborative divorce is much easier and less arduous than a drawn-out court battle, but it requires careful handling, meticulous attention to detail, and an attorney with strong negotiation strategies and deep familiarity with Colorado divorce law. Call The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci today to learn more about a collaborative divorce in Colorado.

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