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Who Gets Pet Custody in a Colorado Divorce?

Studies show that pet ownership has increased in the last few decades. Since the first National Pet Owners Survey in 1988, pet ownership has gone up by 12%, from 56% of U.S. households to 68% in 2018. Studies also show the increase in pet ownership correlates to a decrease in younger generations having children. The…

Legal Team

How Long Does Annulment Take in Colorado?

When it comes to ending a marriage, most people consider divorce as the first option. However, another option is annulment, a process through which the marriage never legally existed. This can seem like an appealing option when other factors make divorce unattractive for a couple. However, an annulment is a distinct legal procedure that has…

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Restraining Orders vs. No Contact Orders: What’s The Difference?

Updated March 2025 Both forms of legal action prohibit contact by one party to the other. One of the main differences is that restraining orders often last up to one year and are temporary. No-contact agreements are binding contracts that can be removed only by the district attorney or the judge who is working the…

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Colorado Permanent Orders Hearing

There are many steps to a divorce case in Colorado. The final stage is the Permanent Orders Hearing. During this conclusive hearing, the judge reviewing the divorce will make the final determinations concerned marital asset and debt division. The judge will also determine maintenance awards, such as spousal support or alimony. If the divorcing couple…

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Serving Your Divorce Papers In Colorado

Maybe you’re in the beginning stages of contemplating a divorce, or maybe you’re getting ready to file an official motion. No matter what stage you’re at in considering a divorce, the idea of taking the next step can be scary. Knowing about the process can help put your mind at ease and prepare you for…

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