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Colorado Rules for Magistrates

A magistrate is similar to an appointed judge but has more limits regarding his or her role in the judicial system. A magistrate only has the power to resolve certain disputes in the state of Colorado. The most common job of a magistrate is to resolve family law cases, such as temporary orders and parental…

Legal Team

What Is a Civil Union in Colorado?

Several states now allow civil unions for both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, including Colorado. Essentially, a civil union is a marriage in every way but name. Almost every law that applies to marriage also applies to civil unions. Domestic partnerships, however vary from civil unions greatly. It can be difficult to determine the differences in…

Legal Team

Stepparent Adoption in Colorado

When a person with a biological child marries another person, the new spouse becomes the child’s stepparent. There are many situations in which a stepparent may wish to raise the child permanently with the child’s biological parent, and adoption is the best way to ensure the child has the legal protection afforded to a biological…

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