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Can My Ex Leave the State With Our Child?

It is not unusual for one spouse to want to move away for a fresh start after a divorce in Colorado. When children are involved, however, moving away is complicated. Every citizen has the right to travel freely. You may have legal recourse as the noncustodial parent, however, if the move will negatively affect your…

Legal Team

How to Establish Paternity in Colorado?

Paternity is a father’s legal status as the parent of a child. For the most part, paternity is not an issue if a couple has a child while married. In this situation, paternity will automatically go to the father. If the couple is not married, however, they may need to establish paternity. Establishing paternity is…

Legal Team

How Do I File for an Annulment in Colorado?

Annulment is not the same as divorce or separation. It is a plea for the courts to rule the marriage invalid rather than dissolving it – striking the marriage from the record as if it never happened. Some people choose to file for an annulment in Colorado instead of divorce for a simpler legal process…

Legal Team

The Effects of Coronavirus/COVID-19 on Divorce

The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching implications. It has affected most aspects of life…including marriage and divorce. Couples quarantining together have given rise to speculation of divorce rates increasing, while couples in the middle of divorces are wondering how the virus will affect their cases. Take a look at how the coronavirus has affected divorce…

Legal Team

What to Do if Your Spouse Is Verbally and Emotionally Abusive?

Physical abuse is not the only type that could cause irrevocable harm to your relationship. Emotional, mental and verbal abuse can just as easily cause a permanent rift. Abuse of any kind could greatly impact your marriage. It may be the reason you file for divorce in Colorado. If you are suffering verbal and/or emotional…

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