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How to Choose the Best Family Lawyer

Your choice of lawyer during a divorce or another family law case can make all of the difference. You should trust the lawyer representing you to act in your best interests and go above and beyond to achieve the results that you need. Do not take your choice of attorney lightly. Take the following steps…

Legal Team

Complete Financial Disclosure in a Divorce Case in Colorado

The financial side of a divorce case is often the most complicated part. To simplify things and keep them fair, the law in Colorado requires both sides of a divorce to disclose full and accurate information about their assets and debts to the other side, typically early on in the divorce process. Before you and…

Legal Team

What to Do When the Other Parent Isn’t Complying With Court Orders

In a divorce case, both parties are required to follow all orders given by the court. This includes orders related to property division, child support, child custody and alimony. If your ex-spouse is not complying with a court-ordered parenting plan, you have legal rights as the other parent. Take action to protect your rights with…

Legal Team

Can I Move Out of My House Before Divorce?

Updated Jan 2024 Yes you can but there are legal considerations to keep in mind and it is always advised that you contact a reputable divorce attorney for advice. If you and your spouse have decided to get divorced, it can be uncomfortable and inconvenient to continue living together. It is normal to want to…

Legal Team

How Can You Stop Parental Alienation?

A divorce can have many ramifications for a family. One potential risk is distance coming between you and your child – both physically and emotionally – if you do not have primary custody. Sadly, your ex-spouse may make things worse by badmouthing you in front of your child or spreading hurtful lies when you’re not…

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