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Pros and Cons of a Prenuptial Agreement

The idea of a “prenuptial agreement” inherently bothers many people because it can feel like preparing for a marriage to fail before it ever really starts. A prenuptial agreement essentially stipulates each spouse’s rights and obligations in a marriage, particularly when it comes to financial assets. Despite the fact that many people have traditionally found…

Legal Team

How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce

Divorce is never an easy subject to broach with children. Depending on the ages of your children, they may not fully understand what is happening until the living situation changes. It’s essential for divorcing parents to take time to talk about an impending divorce with their children and answer their questions. Taking the time to…

Legal Team

Reasons You Should Hire a Divorce Attorney

We increasingly live in a do-it-yourself society, which is great for things such as home improvement projects and crafting. You should leave some things, like legal matters, to the professionals, however. Plenty of research regarding DIY divorces exists, but you need an attorney to protect your rights and help you through the difficult process. The…

Legal Team

How Can I Protect My Business During a Divorce?

A divorce brings several considerations and points of contention for couples, such as division of assets and child custody arrangements. Couples may face additional complications when one spouse owns a business, or both parties own an enterprise jointly. If you’re a business owner facing divorce in Colorado, it’s essential to take certain steps to protect…

Legal Team

Division of Assets in a Military Divorce

The end of a military marriage is very likely to be more complex than a typical divorce between civilians for a number of reasons. Many U.S. service members face lengthy deployment times, frequent relocation, and deal with a very complicated system of pay and benefits from the military. Regardless of what branch of the military…

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