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How Can Social Media Affect My Divorce Claim?

You may not think something as trivial as social media could make an impact on a legal process such as a divorce claim. In law, however, social media activity can become evidence. What you post on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook could be used against you during a divorce case. It…

Legal Team

What If My Spouse Evades Service of the Divorce Papers?

Divorce isn’t always mutual. In some cases, one spouse wants a divorce while the other refuses to cooperate. In Colorado, you can still get a divorce even if your spouse won’t sign the papers. If your spouse is in denial, however, you may have to deal with additional complications that delay the process. One of…

Legal Team

Divorce and Children With Special Needs

Divorce is a complicated process for any couple with children in Colorado, even under normal circumstances. When a child of the marriage has special needs, divorce can come with even more challenges. It is possible to get a divorce as the parent of a child with special needs with minimal financial and emotional stress. Overcoming…

Legal Team

How to Navigate a Divorce When You Have a Family Business

No one plans on getting divorced when they get married and start a family business together. If the marriage does end, issues related to the family business can lead to a complicated legal battle. You may not know how to divide your business or its assets fairly or how to prevent a judge from intervening….

Legal Team

How to Defend Against a Motion to Restrict Parenting Time

It may come as a surprise to receive a Motion to Restrict Parenting Time in Fort Collins. You might never have expected your ex-spouse to take you to court to try to reduce the time spent with your child. If you have been served with this type of legal document in Colorado, read it immediately….

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