Moving Out Before A Divorce? Get Started Today

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Can I Move Out of My House Before Divorce?

Updated Jan 2024 Yes you can but there are legal considerations to keep in mind and it is always advised that you contact a reputable divorce attorney for advice. If you and your spouse have decided to get divorced, it can be uncomfortable and inconvenient to continue living together. It is normal to want to…

Legal Team

Financial Mistakes to Avoid When Filing for Divorce

When preparing for a divorce in Fort Collins, Colorado, you can do certain things to reduce your financial risk and have greater control over the outcome of your case. It is critical to avoid common mistakes that lead to financial issues for a spouse post-divorce. Work closely with a divorce lawyer for assistance with the…

Legal Team

What Is the Difference Between an Annulment and a Divorce?

There are two main ways to dissolve a marriage in Colorado: annulment and divorce. While both effectively end a marriage, they are two distinct processes with very different legal consequences for a couple. With a divorce, each spouse is single but recognized as having been previously married. With an annulment, it is as if the…

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What Happens to Marital Debt After a Divorce in Colorado?

The law in Colorado classifies all assets and debts accumulated during a marriage as marital property. In a divorce case, the courts have the jurisdiction to divide marital property. The courts in Colorado do this using the law of equitable division, meaning a judge will split marital property according to what is fair. Understanding what…

Legal Team

What Is Considered Income When Deciding Child Support?

If you and your spouse share a child during a divorce, one of you may end up owing the other child support, depending on the custody and support arrangement. If you believe you will have to pay your ex-spouse child support after a divorce, it can help to understand how the courts in Colorado calculate…

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