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5 Things to Know in a High-Asset Divorce in Colorado

Any divorce case is difficult and can take an emotional toll on those involved. If your divorce is complicated further by high-value assets, however, you can expect an even more challenging legal process – and a greater need to protect your possessions. While every case is unique, there are shared factors among most high-asset divorce…

Legal Team

How to Prove Mental or Physical Cruelty in a Divorce

Colorado, like most states, has a no-fault divorce law that means you do not have to prove a fault ground to get divorced. You do not have to prove that your partner was mentally or physically cruel to you, for example, to have a judge grant a divorce decree. It may be necessary to prove…

Legal Team

How Are Retirement Accounts Handled During Divorce?

If you and your spouse are planning on getting a divorce, there are many things that you will need to consider. One is the financial impact of the divorce, including how your marital assets and debts will be divided between you and your partner. If either or both of you have retirement accounts, savings accounts,…

Legal Team

Complete Financial Disclosure in a Divorce Case in Colorado

The financial side of a divorce case is often the most complicated part. To simplify things and keep them fair, the law in Colorado requires both sides of a divorce to disclose full and accurate information about their assets and debts to the other side, typically early on in the divorce process. Before you and…

Legal Team

How to Keep Your Separate Property Separate During Divorce

Property division is one of the most complicated aspects of the average divorce case. It is normal to want to keep your hard-earned assets for yourself when dissolving your marriage – especially if you were the one that brought them into the union. Learn how to keep your separate property separate during a divorce to…

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