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How Can I Pay Child Support If I Am Unemployed?

There may come a time when you can no longer afford your court-ordered child support payments. You may have recently incurred unexpected bills, received a demotion at work, or even lose your job. The unemployment rate in the U.S. was 4.8% in the beginning of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While this…

Legal Team

What Happens if I Am Unable to Make My Child Support Payment?

During divorce or legal separation negotiations, the Colorado courts will calculate child support payments based on the monthly gross incomes of both parents and estimates of what each parent spends on the children. The noncustodial parent (the parent without primary custody) will pay his or her share of the obligation to the custodial parent. To…

Legal Team

What Is a Parenting Plan?

In a divorce proceeding, both the courts and the parents are focused on what is in the best interest of the children involved. Routine and predictability are important for children, as they provide emotional stability and allow them to adjust to a new and difficult situation. Parenting plans go a long way to providing this predictability, giving children their best shot at adapting to a new environment and flourishing.

Legal Team

How is Child Support Calculated?

Any divorce between couples with minor children must undergo parental responsibilities planning (what the courts used to call custody agreements) during the divorce or dissolution of marriage process. Parental responsibilities include parental time, decision-making power, and child support payments. Each state has its own rules for calculating child support, or the financial support one spouse…

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