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Determining Child Custody in Divorce Cases Involving Domestic Violence

Family courts in Colorado prioritize the best interests of the child when deciding on matters of child custody and child support. The state’s legislature holds that every child has the right to live in a home that’s free of domestic violence, neglect, and child exploitation. This means judges in divorce cases involving child custody must…

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Child Custody FAQs for LGBTQ+ Couples

The makeup of the modern family is evolving in Colorado as it is elsewhere in the United States, but where there is legal marriage, there is also a need for clearly defined legal parameters for divorce, including for matters of child custody. Colorado places the well-being of children as the state’s highest priority in all…

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What to Ask a Potential Child Custody Lawyer in Colorado

The divorce process is never easy, but one of the most contentious and emotionally fraught aspects of divorce is child custody. No one likes to think of an impartial judge deciding when they can and cannot see their children, but when parents cannot agree on a parenting schedule of their own, the courts must decide…

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At What Age Can a Child Refuse Visitation in Colorado?

Colorado courts decide all family court matters including child custody, parenting time, and visitation in the best interests of the child. A child’s opinion on custody and visitation is only one small part of the court’s considerations when making these decisions.  It’s relatively easy to exchange small children for court-ordered parenting time or visitation according…

Legal Team

Getting Divorced While Pregnant?

There’s little more stressful than the divorce process—except going through the process of divorce in Colorado while also pregnant. Whether petitioning for divorce or responding to a spouse’s divorce petition, there’s a space in the dissolution of marriage paperwork to indicate whether or not you are currently pregnant. So, if you’re facing a divorce and…

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