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What to Know About Child Support Law in Colorado

Matters of child custody and child support are among the most contentious and emotionally fraught issues that come to Colorado divorce court. For parents facing divorce in Colorado, knowing what to expect can reduce the level of discord and may help parents arrive at a settlement agreement without the need for an argument in court….

Legal Team

Surprising Lifestyle Factors That Could Increase Your Risk for Divorce

Most people expect their walk down the aisle to lead to happily-ever-after, yet a significant percentage of marriages end in divorce. Because life’s journey comes with twists and turns, there’s no foolproof way to predict which marriages will last and which end in divorce court, but studies have shown certain lifestyle factors may increase the…

Legal Team

Can People Hide Assets With Digital Wallets?

Colorado’s divorce law compels both spouses to fully disclose their financial records in order to accurately draft an agreement on the fair division of their marital assets and debts. If they’re unable to agree on the division, a judge will decide for them in court. But in today’s digital age, can divorcing spouses hide assets…

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Prenup Property Title Versus Ownership

A prenuptial agreement in Colorado allows couples to keep their separate assets as separate property during the marriage and predetermines the distribution of their marital assets should the marriage end in divorce. A well-executed prenuptial agreement drafted during a time when spouses are at their best in the relationship not only protects both spouses in…

Legal Team

Do You Get Your Heirloom Ring Back During a Divorce?

There’s nothing more visually and emotionally beautiful than an heirloom diamond engagement ring or wedding ring set passed from one generation in a family to the next. Wearing a family heirloom ring is a loving tribute, but what happens when circumstances change and spouses decide to go their separate ways? Does the spouse who offered…

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