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Marijuana and Its Legal Effect on Child Custody in Colorado

Colorado essentially legalized the use of marijuana for those over the age of 21 in 2012, with some complex laws regulating its legal usage. When divorces between childless spouses take place in Colorado, marijuana use by one or both spouses has no impact on the divorce. However, when parents divorce in Colorado, one parent’s use…

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Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Child Custody Lawyer

For spouses who share children, no part of divorce causes as much apprehension as the decision of child custody and division of parenting time. It’s difficult for parents to accept that a judge has the final say on when and for how long they can spend time with their children, but the courts have the…

Legal Team

What Is a Pet Trust?

While pet lovers among us might think of our pets as precious little beings, the law considers our furry best friends as property. As such, pet owners cannot leave property to other “property” in a will. Your pet cannot inherit any assets after you die. Because our favorite four-legged creatures cannot provide for themselves, even…

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What Is Power of Attorney (POA)?

No one relishes the idea of admitting their own mortality or thinking about what could happen should they become incapacitated. However, taking positive steps toward putting a structure into place should the worst occur offers peace of mind so you can rest assured that your wishes will be carried out for your own protection as…

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Why Create a Parenting Contract?

Almost no couple enters into a marriage believing their journey down the aisle will end in divorce court, yet a significant number of marriages do not last until “death do us part.” One of the most appealing aspects of a prenuptial agreement is that a couple creates a contract for the possibility of a future…

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