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Seven Things You Should Know About Failing to Pay Child Support In Colorado

Colorado courts have the child’s best interests as their standard in all court decisions. The state’s law for child support upholds this standard by considering it an obligation for all parents to support their children. The state bases its formula for calculating child support on the total gross income of both parents and the number…

Legal Team

Father’s Rights to Custody In Colorado

Divorce is difficult for all spouses who decide to end a marriage and divide a household, but when the spouses are also parents, separating a household also means sharing children between two homes. No aspect of divorce is as emotionally fraught as child custody. While once courts favored mothers as primary caregivers for children, today’s…

Legal Team

Can Child Custody Plans Be Changed?

A judge’s decisions on child custody in Colorado are legally binding and enforceable. Still, Colorado courts acknowledge that sometimes circumstances substantially change. In some situations, the court may agree to alter a child custody plan based on significant long-term changes in one or both parent’s circumstances or a change in a child’s needs. Colorado Family…

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Nominated as a Best of Fort Collins Business

We are excited to announce that The Law Offices of Stephen Vertucci has been nominated for the 2024 Best of Fort Collins Community’s Choice Award.  We’re honored to be considered and grateful for the support from our community. Visit Here to cast your ballot for The Law Offices of Stephen Vertucci in the Services-People category….

Legal Team

Moving on After Divorce: Embracing a New Chapter in Your Life

You might not ever have anticipated your joyous walk down the aisle ending in front of a judge at a divorce hearing, but life’s path often comes with twists, turns, and unexpected forks. Getting through the divorce process can be gut-wrenching, but the completion of the divorce does not have to be an ending. Instead,…

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