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How Is Cryptocurrency Handled in a Colorado Divorce?

Marriages begin with high hopes for a long life together and no one expects their walk down the aisle to end at divorce court. Sadly, a significant number of Colorado marriages end in divorce as spouses head down different paths in their lives. In Colorado, divorcing spouses may retain only assets they owned before marriage…

Legal Team

How to Navigate Going to Work During a Divorce

The divorce process is fraught with emotion and crowded with legal appointments and court proceedings. At the same time that you’re dealing with the end of your own personal world as you know it, the rest of the world continues on as usual, meaning you’re still expected to fulfill your professional responsibilities at work. In…

Legal Team

Non-Married Parents: What Issues Arise and How to Handle Them

In today’s evolving world, many families are not what was once called “traditional families.” According to Pew Research, 1 in 4 parents with a child in their home are unmarried; however, 35% of unmarried parents live with a partner, sometimes the child’s biological parent, but not always. Not all parents wish to get married. Some…

Legal Team

Should I Modify My Child Support?

When the court issues child support orders, it compels both parents to live up to the rights and obligations under the inflexible order for as long as it’s in place. The paying spouse cannot decide to pay late, skip a month, or pay less than the order demands. Whether both spouses created the terms of…

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The Impact of Chronic Illness on Custody Cases

Colorado, like most states, places the best interests of children as its highest priority when deciding on family court matters, particularly in child custody cases. While some parents assume that a chronic illness makes a parent less suitable for primary custody or a substantial amount of parenting time, the courts consider continued frequent contact with…

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