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Is My Business a Marital Asset In a Divorce?

Like many states, Colorado is a state that compels divorcing spouses to divide and distribute their marital property in a way that’s fair and equitable if not precisely 50/50. Marital property in Colorado is any asset, debt, or liability acquired by either spouse during the marriage regardless of whose name is on the account. When…

Legal Team

What Should I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers?

Divorce is never easy, either emotionally, legally, or financially. Many divorcing spouses have their attorneys draft fair settlement and child custody agreements according to the state’s guidelines only to find that their spouse refuses to sign the papers because they have a different idea of what’s fair or a different goal for the child custody…

Legal Team

Dealing With Emotional Abuse During a Custody Battle

Updated January 2024 Escaping an emotionally abusive relationship by getting divorced is complicated if you and your ex-spouse have a child together. Although the courts in Colorado generally try to maintain continuing contact between a child and both parents after a divorce, there are exceptions if the child’s well-being or best interests are at risk,…

Legal Team

What Are the Differences Between Custody and Legal Guardianship?

Courts in Colorado make all family court decisions in the best interests of children, including decisions on adoptions, foster care, child custody, and legal guardianship. Child custody and the legal guardianship of children are similar cases in family court. They both involve decisions about who provides a home for a child, cares for their daily…

Legal Team

How Divorce Mediation Can Save You Time and Money

Divorce is a complicated process, both legally and emotionally. Ending a marriage, dividing a household, and preparing to parent children in two separate homes takes a great deal of preparation, planning, and legal decision-making. Ideally, spouses agree to part ways amicably—or at least without contention. When this occurs, they may resolve their conflicts outside of…

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