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How Do I Find My Divorce Records in Colorado?

Most divorcing spouses like to think their divorce is behind them once they sign the final decree, but often legal matters arise later that require proof of the divorce. In some cases, a divorced individual may need to refer back to their divorce records to review the exact terms of their settlement on the division…

Legal Team

How Much Does a Simple Divorce Cost in Colorado?

No one enters into marriage anticipating that it will end in a divorce, but sometimes life takes spouses in new directions. Deciding to divorce is never easy, but once divorce becomes inevitable, it can go one of two ways. In the best-case scenario, both spouses agree on all terms and reach a settlement agreement without…

Legal Team

Is My Business a Marital Asset In a Divorce?

Like many states, Colorado is a state that compels divorcing spouses to divide and distribute their marital property in a way that’s fair and equitable if not precisely 50/50. Marital property in Colorado is any asset, debt, or liability acquired by either spouse during the marriage regardless of whose name is on the account. When…

Legal Team

What Should I Do If My Spouse Refuses to Sign Divorce Papers?

Divorce is never easy, either emotionally, legally, or financially. Many divorcing spouses have their attorneys draft fair settlement and child custody agreements according to the state’s guidelines only to find that their spouse refuses to sign the papers because they have a different idea of what’s fair or a different goal for the child custody…

Legal Team

Dealing With Emotional Abuse During a Custody Battle

Updated January 2024 Escaping an emotionally abusive relationship by getting divorced is complicated if you and your ex-spouse have a child together. Although the courts in Colorado generally try to maintain continuing contact between a child and both parents after a divorce, there are exceptions if the child’s well-being or best interests are at risk,…

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