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How to File for a No-Fault Colorado Divorce

Colorado, as most other states, is a no-fault state when it comes to the dissolution of marriages. This means that the courts do not consider blame when considering matters pertaining to your divorce. The state only requires that your marriage be “irretrievably broken” to file for divorce in Colorado. While issues such as domestic abuse…

Legal Team

Can Someone Go to Jail for Not Paying Child Support?

Child support is a legally binding agreement. If someone you know is behind on his or her child support payments, there can be serious repercussions under federal law. The United States Code, Section 228 Title 18, establishes that willful failure to pay child support is against the law in certain circumstances. This makes a violator…

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Benefits of a Colorado Divorce Mediation

For many people, divorce is an upsetting experience. It changes your life not only emotionally, but financially. Over the past few years, couples going through a divorce have begun to use a divorce mediator to try to lessen the emotional and financial blows of a divorce. If you are dealing with a difficult divorce, the…

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What If The Court Denies Your Child Support Modification?

After a divorce, it may seem like the legal decisions are set in stone. However, life changes can happen fast and, sometimes, your divorce negotiations need to change to keep up with other changes in your life. Other times, the circumstances of your children’s lives change, and a modification may be necessary. If the courts…

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Is Co-Parenting Right for Your Child Custody Case?

Divorce isn’t easy on anyone, but children often suffer the most in the dissolution of a marriage. Your Colorado child custody attorney can help you understand the laws regarding custody in Colorado. One viable option for some parents is co-parenting; if you are considering a divorce and looking for ways to make the transition easier…

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