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How Can I Protect My Business During a Divorce?

A divorce brings several considerations and points of contention for couples, such as division of assets and child custody arrangements. Couples may face additional complications when one spouse owns a business, or both parties own an enterprise jointly. If you’re a business owner facing divorce in Colorado, it’s essential to take certain steps to protect…

Legal Team

Division of Assets in a Military Divorce

The end of a military marriage is very likely to be more complex than a typical divorce between civilians for a number of reasons. Many U.S. service members face lengthy deployment times, frequent relocation, and deal with a very complicated system of pay and benefits from the military. Regardless of what branch of the military…

Legal Team

How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in Colorado?

A divorce can take a mental and emotional toll on everyone involved. Unsurprisingly, many couples who go through a divorce want the process over as soon as possible. While couples can do certain things to expedite the process, such as decide matters of child custody and asset division without litigation, Colorado sets certain time limits…

Legal Team

5 Myths About Colorado Alimony

Alimony, or “spousal maintenance,” is a payment structure that plays an important role in divorce. When a couple divorces, it’s likely one spouse makes more money than the other, and the judge handling the case may require alimony payments to the lower-earning spouse. In many cases, the judge will require these payments to continue into…

Legal Team

Ways to Serve Divorce Papers to Your Spouse

Divorces are rarely simple or easy matters, and the first step in securing your divorce is often a difficult one: serving your soon-to-be ex-spouse divorce papers. After filing the necessary paperwork with the court to begin your case, the next step is serving your spouse a copy of the divorce paperwork. It’s vital to follow…

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