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Determining The Best Child Custody Schedule

When a married couple with children decides to divorce, they must draw up a custody agreement that preserves the best interests of their children. It is in the best interests of both spouses to come to mutually agreeable terms and focus on what is best for their children. When either divorcing spouse attempts to “weaponize”…

Legal Team

Stephen Vertucci Listed as Top 3 Divorce Lawyers by Three Best Rated® for 2019

Stephen Vertucci was recently ranked as the top divorce attorney in Fort Collins, CO by Three Best Rated®. Qualifications for ranking as a top 3 divorce lawyer in Fort Collins included a rigorous 50-Point inspection ranging from checking reputation, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, nearness, trust, cost and general excellence. Three Best Rated® was created to rank top businesses…

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Who Gets Pet Custody in a Colorado Divorce?

Studies show that pet ownership has increased in the last few decades. Since the first National Pet Owners Survey in 1988, pet ownership has gone up by 12%, from 56% of U.S. households to 68% in 2018. Studies also show the increase in pet ownership correlates to a decrease in younger generations having children. The…

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How Alcohol and Drug Allegations Can Impact Your Child Custody Case

Child custody is often the most critical part of a divorce case for the parents involved. No parent wants to lose custody of his or her child. However, the Colorado courts will make a decision based on the child’s best interests. Unfortunately, your spouse may take a custody hearing as an opportunity to raise grounds…

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What Is Considered Parental Kidnapping in Colorado?

The most common form of child abduction is parental kidnapping. Parental kidnapping occurs when a non-custodial parent takes children without the custodial parent’s knowledge or consent. Colorado laws define taking a child as kidnapping, even if the abductor is a parent, if that parent does not have custody or parenting time privileges. If a non-custodial…

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