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What Is Considered Parental Kidnapping in Colorado?

The most common form of child abduction is parental kidnapping. Parental kidnapping occurs when a non-custodial parent takes children without the custodial parent’s knowledge or consent. Colorado laws define taking a child as kidnapping, even if the abductor is a parent, if that parent does not have custody or parenting time privileges. If a non-custodial…

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When Can a Child Legally Choose Which Parent to Live With?

Child custody is one of the most complex matters in a Colorado divorce case. Determining which parent will receive joint, shared, or full custody of children will become a decision of the court, if the parents cannot agree to custody terms on their own. The number one factor a judge will consider when making custody…

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Colorado Child Support Modification

The Colorado family courts calculate child support based on both parents’ incomes, the child custody agreement, costs of childcare, and many other factors. Once the courts issue a support agreement, the paying parent must keep up with support payments to the recipient, or else face consequences, such as contempt of court. The only situation in…

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Top 5 Most Common Reasons for a Divorce

The divorce rate across the United States has decreased by 18% over the last 10 years. In Colorado, the trend is similar; the state divorce rate is the lowest it has been in a decade. Despite lower numbers, however, the divorce rate in Colorado is still over 20,000 couples per year. While every couple has…

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Does Adultery Affect Alimony in Colorado?

Alimony, called spousal maintenance in Colorado, is a court-ordered payment one spouse gives the other as part of a divorce or separation agreement. Typically, the spouse earning less income will receive the payments, while the one with greater income becomes the payer. Alimony is a guarantee in Colorado divorce cases where the combined gross annual…

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