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What Is a Common Law Marriage in Colorado?

Colorado is one of 12 states which recognize common law marriage as legal and binding. This is a form of marriage which does not require a license or a formal ceremony, but in which both parties mutually consent to be man and wife. This legal status grants both members of the couple certain rights and…

Legal Team

How to Modify a Child Support Order in Colorado

Once the court issues a child support order as part of a divorce case, its terms are inflexible. The spouse that must make child support payments cannot choose to skip a month or change the support amount without court approval. The only way to modify a child support order in Colorado is to undergo a…

Legal Team

Can I Stop a Divorce If the Paperwork Has Already Been Filed?

Not all couples in Colorado achieve amicable divorces. Some couples both agree to the divorce, but not to its terms. Others have one spouse striving for reconciliation. In other cases, a couple files for divorce only to change their minds later. If you need to recall a divorce petition you or your spouse has already…

Legal Team

What Is Imputed Income?

Imputed income is a court-ordered income amount that may apply to child support cases in which one parent tries to escape financial responsibility by lying about his or her income level. The divorce courts in Fort Collins take child support orders very seriously. They will handle a parent that tries to act outside the system…

Legal Team

How to Notify a Noncustodial Parent You’re Moving

Developing a custody agreement is often a long and stressful process, and the divorced parent’s lives can change in drastic ways after a custody agreement has already been established. Fortunately, the court system allows divorced parents to revisit and amend an existing custody agreement in light of changing life circumstances. For example, if your employer…

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