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Division of Vacation & Sick Time During a Divorce

Dividing assets during a divorce case in Colorado is often one of the most complicated aspects of a split. Assets can include not only physical property such as a home or vehicle but also financial assets such as bank accounts, retirement savings, stocks, bonds and paid vacation time. During a divorce, the courts require both…

Legal Team

What Is “Non physical” Domestic Violence?

When most people think about domestic violence, they imagine one partner physically abusing another member of the household. While this tragic situation occurs all too often, it is not the only form of domestic violence. Nonphysical domestic violence can be just as harmful to victims. Nonphysical violence, abuse and harassment can harm a person mentally,…

Legal Team

What Is the Divorce Rate in Colorado?

Divorce has to do with much more than where you live, but according to statistics, location could predict whether your marriage survives. Public record data collection gives an overview of the divorce rates in each state and city in America. Lists of the places with the highest divorce rates become a cause for concern for…

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When Does Spousal Support End in Colorado?

Spousal support is a court-ordered arrangement in which one spouse of a divorce pays another – either in a lump sum or monthly payments. A judge in Colorado may award spousal support during a divorce case that involves an income disparity between the spouses. If one spouse stayed at home to care for the kids…

Legal Team

Stay-at-Home Mom Divorce Rights Colorado

Dealing with a divorce can be difficult for any family. As a stay-at-home mom, however, you may worry more than most about what your life might look like post-divorce. You may have forfeited an education or career to care for children, relying on your spouse for financial support. Now, you may lose this support, on…

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