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What Is Fault Divorce Versus No-Fault Divorce?

During a divorce case, you may hear the terms fault and no-fault, especially at the beginning of the filing process. While every state allows claimants to file for no-fault divorces, some also give the option of filing for a fault divorce. It is important to understand the difference between these two types of divorce, the…

Legal Team

Bad Social Media Habits to Avoid During Your Divorce

Updating your friends and family about your divorce on social media may seem innocent enough…until your ex-spouse brings printed-out tweets to court to use as evidence against you during a custody battle. What you post on social media is not privileged information. It is available to the public and can be used against you during…

Legal Team

Can an Ex-Wife Claim Money After a Divorce in Colorado?

Property division is one of the key issues discussed during a divorce case in Colorado. Property refers not only to the family home, but also income earned, bank accounts, savings and retirement funds. If you are getting a divorce, you may wonder how much of your income – if any – a judge will award…

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Does Taking Antidepressants Affect Child Custody?

During a divorce case, it is normal to feel anxious, depressed or overwhelmed. For many people, the stressors that come with divorce are enough to lead to a prescription for antidepressants. If you are on antidepressants, however, your spouse could try to use this against you during a custody battle. While this may seem like…

Legal Team

Is it Better to File Bankruptcy Before or After Divorce?

A typical divorce case does not exist. Each case is unique, with complex elements such as child custody, spousal support and the division of assets setting them apart. One matter that could complicate a divorce case in Colorado is the desire to declare bankruptcy. Whether you should file bankruptcy before or after your divorce depends…

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