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Why Are Divorce Rates High in the US?

Although divorce rates have fallen in the U.S. over the last few decades, divorce is still common. The divorce rate as of 2017 was 2.9 per 1,000 people. With 787,251 divorces across 45 reporting states and 2,236,496 marriages, the national divorce rate is about 35%. This is 15% less than the common misconception that half…

Legal Team

Does Length of Marriage Affect Divorce Settlement?

When sorting through the factors involved in your divorce case, you may wonder if the length of your marriage will make a difference. Whether you have been married 1 year or 10, it could affect how the Colorado courts view your divorce case. While length of marriage will not impact every decision the courts make…

Legal Team

Are Assets Always Split 50/50 in a Divorce?

Asset division is one of the key matters in any divorce case in Colorado. If you have discussed divorce with a family law attorney, you may have asked how the courts might divide you and your spouse’s shared assets and debts. Colorado is an equitable division state, meaning that while the courts will divide assets…

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What to Do if Your Spouse Is Verbally and Emotionally Abusive?

Physical abuse is not the only type that could cause irrevocable harm to your relationship. Emotional, mental and verbal abuse can just as easily cause a permanent rift. Abuse of any kind could greatly impact your marriage. It may be the reason you file for divorce in Colorado. If you are suffering verbal and/or emotional…

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How Does Cheating Affect a Divorce?

Cheating is the driving factor behind many divorce cases. Cheating could be the reason one or both parties come to the courts with a divorce petition. Whether cheating will play a role in divorce proceedings, however, depends on the state. Most states permit petitioners to bring fault-based divorce claims on the grounds of adultery. In…

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