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What Does Child Support Cover in Colorado?

Child support is a court order requiring one spouse to pay the other for a child’s basic expenses after a divorce. Most divorces involving children end with one parent having to fulfill a child support order until the child turns 19 (or older with some exceptions). Child support payments are meant to cover certain expenses…

Legal Team

How Do I File for an Annulment in Colorado?

Annulment is not the same as divorce or separation. It is a plea for the courts to rule the marriage invalid rather than dissolving it – striking the marriage from the record as if it never happened. Some people choose to file for an annulment in Colorado instead of divorce for a simpler legal process…

Legal Team

Can Phone Records Be Subpoenaed in a Divorce?

A divorce can be difficult or messy depending on the couple and the circumstances. One spouse may need to search for private information on another spouse’s electronic devices in a contested divorce case, for example, to prove something such as hidden assets, lavish expenses or an affair. In Colorado, it is legal for one spouse…

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Child Custody and Visitation During the COVID-19

It is an unprecedented time for parents as they cope with the novel COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic. Canceled school, closed-down day cares and shelter-in-place orders have led to a lot of confusion and frustration for parents with small children. If you and your ex-spouse have a custody agreement from a divorce or separation in Colorado, you could…

Legal Team

How to Prepare for an Uncontested Divorce?

Every divorce case is unique. Your divorce will not look like anyone else’s. You may be able to predict what to expect from your divorce, however, if you understand your divorce type. In general, your divorce in Colorado will either be contested or uncontested. If you believe you have an uncontested divorce, take some steps…

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