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How to Choose the Best Family Lawyer

Your choice of lawyer during a divorce or another family law case can make all of the difference. You should trust the lawyer representing you to act in your best interests and go above and beyond to achieve the results that you need. Do not take your choice of attorney lightly. Take the following steps…

Legal Team

Understanding How Child Support Works Across State Lines

Child support is one of the most complicated areas of divorce law. If your case involves an out-of-state spouse or child relocation, child support can be even more difficult to navigate. Unfortunately, a child support order across state lines can increase the risk of unpaid support or late payments – taking away the money that…

Legal Team

Emancipation of Minors in Colorado: Does It Affect Child Support Obligations?

Child support is a major part of many divorce and legal separation cases in Colorado. For the most part, a child support order will last until a child turns 19 – the age of majority in Colorado. Certain circumstances may change the age at which a child support obligation ends, however, either by cutting it…

Legal Team

Contempt of Court in a Child Support Proceeding in Colorado

A family law case in Colorado could become complicated and require the courts to intervene, especially if the couple does not get along or one spouse is being vindictive during or after a divorce. One tool that the courts may use to force a party to comply with the court order is placing the individual…

Legal Team

How Mental Health Issues Can Affect Your Colorado Custody Case

Many people who get involved in divorce and child custody cases believe that if they can prove the other parent has a mental health issue, the courts will automatically rule in their favor. However, this is not the case. The mental health and stability of all individuals involved is only one factor used to determine…

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