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What Are the Emotional Stages of Divorce?

Getting divorced can take an emotional toll on everyone involved. The emotions that you experience can be complex. You may feel regret, sadness, relief, anxiety, anger, grief and many other emotions in rapid succession or all at once. Learning how to cope with your emotions in a healthy way can help you let go and…

Legal Team

Is a Nesting Agreement Right for You?

Child custody is often the largest point of contention in a Colorado divorce case. What most parents can agree on, however, is that they want what’s best for their children. To some families, this means keeping the children in the family home 100 percent of the time rather than making them alternate residences when the…

Legal Team

Can You Write Your Own Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenuptial agreements may have a negative connotation, but they are critical to protecting a person’s assets in the event of a divorce. Having a prenup does not mean that you don’t have faith in your marriage; it means you are protected and prepared for any outcome. If you wish to create a prenuptial agreement in…

Legal Team

What Are the Signs of an Unhappy Marriage?

All marriages are a mix of highs and lows, and nobody is perfect. If you and your partner have struggled more than usual, however, identifying problem spots can help you address them head-on. It may also make it clear that it is time to let go for the happiness of both people. If your relationship…

Legal Team

What Assets Cannot Be Split in a Divorce?

Property division is one of the most common sources of conflict for couples in a divorce case. While there are ways to protect your property from going to your ex-spouse, you don’t have to worry about this if the asset in question cannot legally be given to your spouse. In Colorado, separate property is generally…

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