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Do Stepparents Have Any Rights in a Custody Battle?

A child custody issue in Colorado typically involves the child’s two biological or legal parents. A judge will assign parenting time (physical custody) and legal custody to either or both parents based on the best interests of the child. If a blended family has a stepparent, however, this could affect a custody decision. There are…

Legal Team

What Is an Interstate Custody Agreement?

Child custody is one of the most complicated and contested parts of the average divorce case. When divorced parents live in two different states, child custody becomes even more confusing. The family will need what is known as an interstate custody agreement to tackle the challenges of this unique situation. When Can a Parent Move…

Legal Team

Do Divorces Spike Over the Holidays?

Every year, divorce attorneys and the family law courts tend to see a lull in divorce cases during the holidays – but it is always followed by a spike in divorce filings immediately after the new year. January is sometimes referred to as “Divorce Month” because of this phenomenon. This points to tension and problems…

Legal Team

What Evidence Is Admissible During a Colorado Family Law Case?

Proving your side of a Colorado family law case requires clear and convincing evidence. It is important to know what evidence is admissible in court and what will be ruled inadmissible so that you don’t waste time collecting evidence that you cannot use – or that may even get you into legal trouble, such as…

Legal Team

Tips for Co-parenting Over the Holidays

One of the most difficult aspects of divorced life is co-parenting over the holiday season. No parent wants to be apart from their children during the holidays, but this is often an inevitability when two parents are no longer together. Luckily, there are tools that you can use to make co-parenting over the holidays easier…

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