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The Different Types of Child Custody in Colorado

Undergoing the divorce process is always distressful, but when spouses with children divorce, child custody issues are often the most difficult and contentious aspects of the divorce agreement. No parent relishes the idea of an impartial judge deciding how much time they can spend with their own children, or adjusting to a court-ordered timetable. However,…

Legal Team

Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights?

A divorce is hard on everyone – including the grandparents. If your child is going through a divorce or legal separation, you may wonder how this will affect your relationship and time spent with your grandchildren. This may especially be a concern if you do not have a good relationship with your soon-to-be-ex daughter-in-law or…

Legal Team

New Year Habits to Implement Into Your Co-Parenting Situation

A brand new year is a good opportunity to reflect on the last 12 months and figure out what you can do better in the next 12. If you are one of the many people dealing with co-parenting after a divorce or legal separation, take this time to focus on new habits you can use…

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Top 10 Common Mistakes Made in a Divorce

A divorce is hard enough without making things more difficult for yourself by making common mistakes. If this is your first divorce, you may not know what to expect or how to protect your rights. Avoiding these top 10 common mistakes can put you in a better position to handle your divorce and prepare for…

Legal Team

Can a Child Refuse Visitation?

If the courts order visitation as part of a child custody agreement in a divorce case in Colorado, this gives the parent the legal right to visit with his or her child. As an order from the court, visitation is legally enforceable. However, things can get complicated if the child refuses visitation or wants a…

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