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Should You Change Your Child’s Name in a Family Law Case?

You may wish to change your name after a family law proceeding, such as a divorce or legal separation from your spouse. Reverting back to your maiden name, for example, might be the right fit as you start your new life. Whether or not you should change your child’s last name, however, depends on the…

Legal Team

Divorce & Spring Break: How to Navigate Traveling and Co-Parenting

Planning travel can be difficult if you and your co-parent are divorced or separated. School holidays such as spring break can lead to tension, arguments and stress. By planning ahead and getting the entire family on the same page, you and your children can enjoy a fun and relaxing vacation this spring. Plan Ahead for…

Legal Team

Are Divorces More Common in the Spring?

Statistically, more divorces are filed during certain times of year than others. One of these high-volume divorce seasons is spring. Traditionally, the holidays and the months directly after are a peak time for divorce filings in the United States. If you feel that your relationship has come to an end, consider if this spring is…

Legal Team

What to Do if Your Ex-Spouse’s Lawyer Calls You

Even in the most amicable of divorces, difficulties in communication may arise during the process, requiring legal representation. It’s always best for both parties in a divorce to retain their own attorneys. In contentious divorces, when parties cannot come to mutually acceptable agreements on issues of who retains the family home, division of assets, child…

Legal Team

What Makes a Divorce Official?

The divorce process is distressing, and most divorcing spouses want it over as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it’s a multi-step process that isn’t official until each step is complete and a judge signs off on the official divorce decree. In Colorado, the process typically takes 6 to 12 months, but there may be delays depending…

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