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What Are the Types of Restraining Orders in Colorado?

If you’re seeking a restraining order in Colorado, chances are, you aren’t at a high point in your life experience. You may be wondering where to turn. It helps if you have an understanding of the different types of restraining orders available in Colorado so you know what type best applies to your circumstances and…

Legal Team

How to Cope With Divorce Stigma

We might be currently living in the 21st century and no one is forced to wear a scarlet letter, but for many divorced spouses, living with the after-effects of a divorce can still feel shameful. Surprisingly, even in today’s world of staggering divorce statistics, as many as 1 in 10 divorced spouses state that they…

Legal Team

How Domestic Abuse Effects Divorce in Colorado

Divorce is a distressing process even under the best of circumstances, but for a victim of domestic abuse, facing the possibility of violent repercussions from an abusive spouse can make divorce terrifying. While we’d prefer to think of domestic violence as rare in the state sometimes called the “Switzerland of the United States,” in 2021…

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What to Avoid in a High-Asset Divorce

Divorce is a distressing process whether spouses rented an apartment and lived paycheck to paycheck or whether they’re wealthy and have decades of combined assets, but for spouses with many assets, untangling the financial aspects of the divorce can add a new layer of distress as well as lengthier negotiations and a far more complex…

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Elements of a Child Custody Evaluation

In the best-case scenario of a divorce, parents agree to co-parent peacefully and create a shared custody schedule that’s workable for them and benefits the children. When divorcing or unmarried parents form their own custody agreement in Colorado, a judge will typically sign off on it. Sadly, not all parents can come to a fair…

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