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Tips for Co-Parenting This Summer

Summer can be difficult to navigate for divorced parents—particularly the first summer after the finalization of a divorce. It may feel like just when you and your children have settled into a new routine and your children are feeling more secure in their new circumstances, your carefully crafted schedule no longer applies because school is…

Legal Team

The Impact of Divorce on Adult Children

Divorce is a difficult decision at any age, but when older parents with adult children come to the decision to divorce, they often leave their children out of the equation, while divorcing parents with young children are much more likely to make their children’s needs the focal point of all of their divorce-related decisions. Though…

Legal Team

Best Tips for an Organized Divorce

Divorce is an emotionally turbulent time for most spouses but preparing ahead of time for the most streamlined process to make the legal aspects of the separation as well-organized as possible helps to calm some of the chaos that typically goes along with it. While you might not be able to prepare for the emotional…

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How Does Divorce Impact Your Retirement Plan’s Savings?

Whether retirement is around the calendar corner or still decades away, probably the last thing on your mind during the distress of an impending divorce is your retirement savings. But with Colorado’s equitable division of marital property laws, it pays to consider the impacts of divorce on your retirement savings. When the state divides marital…

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What to Know About Property Division in Colorado

No one walks down the aisle expecting the journey to end in divorce court, but when a divorce becomes inevitable, spouses in Colorado begin considering how they will divide their assets and debts when they go their separate ways. Besides child custody matters, the division of assets and debts in Colorado divorces is the most…

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