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How to Apply for a Restraining Order or Protection Order

A protection order—sometimes called a restraining order—is a legal order stopping a specific person from engaging in certain acts either temporarily or permanently. The most common restraining orders compel one individual from contacting another person. When the court agrees that one person may be a danger to another, they issue a restraining order in criminal…

Legal Team

How Can I Get a Quick Divorce In Colorado?

Choosing to move forward with a divorce is rarely an easy decision, but when you and your spouse determine that divorce is the inevitable conclusion of your marriage, it doesn’t mean the divorce process has to be long and arduous. There are several ways you and your spouse can achieve a quick divorce in Colorado…

Legal Team

Can You Get a Divorce Without an Attorney?

Divorce isn’t just the parting of spouses who go their separate ways, it’s also a complex legal process with necessary requirements to fulfill, including the fair and equitable division of marital assets under Colorado’s divorce law, a child custody agreement with parenting time for both spouses, child support under the state’s guidelines, and spousal support…

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Who Claims a Child on Taxes When There Is Shared Custody?

A divorce turns one household into two, but when it comes to filing taxes, both divorced parents cannot claim their children as dependents during the same tax year. Under the IRS’s “One taxpayer, one dependent” law, when divorced parents file their taxes separately, only one parent can claim their child as a dependent per tax…

Legal Team

When Is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended?

Very little about divorce is positive but in the best-case scenario of divorce, both spouses reach agreements on major aspects of a Colorado divorce such as child custody, the fair division of assets, and spousal support. Reaching a divorce settlement agreement for a judge to sign into binding orders prevents the need for an expensive…

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