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Berthoud Divorce Lawyer

Getting a divorce is stressful regardless of your situation. Even partners able to communicate throughout the divorce process find tackling issues like the division of marital property and assets, the allocation of parental responsibilities, and spousal support overwhelming.

If you are contemplating a divorce or need to respond to your spouse’s divorce petition, a reliable, experienced Berthoud divorce lawyer can help alleviate some common divorce stressors.

Why Choose The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, for Your Divorce?

At The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, we only practice family law. We can answer all of your questions about the Colorado divorce process and tell you how Colorado’s divorce laws will affect your situation.

At The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, we want what is best for you and your future. Therefore, we customize our legal services to suit your divorce case.

The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, handles the following issues and more:

Reach out to our Berthoud divorce attorney today to schedule your confidential divorce consultation.

Residency Requirements for a Colorado Divorce

To file a divorce in Colorado, a spouse must live in Colorado for a minimum of 91 days. If there are minor children in the marriage, the children must live in the state for at least 181 days before the filing of the divorce petition.

Personal Jurisdiction Requirements for a Colorado Divorce

Before the court can legally divide assets, order child support, or award spousal support, it must have personal jurisdiction over the non-filing spouse. This may require non-filing spouses who are served out-of-state and have no property in Colorado to sign a jurisdictional waiver.

Speak with Berthoud family law attorney before filing for a divorce if you have any jurisdictional concerns.

Colorado’s Statutory Waiting Period for a Divorce

The non-filing spouse, or Respondent, has 21 days from the date they are served with the Summons and Petition for Dissolution of Marriage to file their Response. The earliest the court can enter a Decree of Divorce is 91 days after the Summons is served on the Respondent.

Colorado is a No-Fault Divorce State

Colorado is a no-fault state. This means neither spouse has to accept responsibility or fault for a Colorado divorce.

A spouse must state only that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

Resolving Marital Issues Through Divorce

A Colorado court with jurisdiction over the non-filing spouse may resolve all major marital issues through a divorce. These include:

  • Marital property and asset division
  • Marital debt division
  • Child custody
  • Child support
  • Spousal support

Spouses who cannot agree on one or more issues are said to have a contested divorce.

Contact an Experienced Berthoud Divorce Lawyer Today

Whether your divorce is uncontested or contested, retaining an experienced Berthoud divorce lawyer can make the divorce process smoother and more efficient. This can save you time and money in the long run.

Contact The Law Office of Stephen Vertucci, LLC, to schedule your consultation with a divorce lawyer. Our lawyers understand the challenges of divorce and can help you avoid common divorce mistakes and pitfalls.

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